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What you need to know about the smart electric wires


WHAT YOU NEED TO KNOW ABOUT THE SMART ELECTRIC METERS Smart electric meters are electronic devices which can track and record the use of electricity in customer's homes. Electrical Boards across the country have been replacing the old analogue meters with the new and high-tech digital smart meter versions. These smart meters are adept in automatically capturing information about electricity consumption and then transmit it back to the electric service providers. Various switchgear manufacturers in India are working in collaboration with state electricity boards to manufacture domestic as well as commercial smart meters. Here's a look at the benefits that intelligent meters usually present to modern households.

SMART METERS FACILITATE EASY ACCESS TO VIEW ELECTRICITY USAGE One of the highlighting traits of an intelligent meter lies in the fact that the user can easily view the current consumption of electricity. In traditional analogue meters, it was not possible. Many smart meters can also hold historical information about past energy consumption with usage. This helps households to save money by reducing their electricity consumption. These meters are user-friendly, which is another reason for their high popularity. With the help of smart meters, the consumers can benefit from the following.

  • 1.Consumers can be informed remotely or locally
  • 2.Allowing the consumer to reduce costs by increasing consumption during off-peak cheaper tariff periods
  • 3.Multi tariff options can also be added

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